Connecting, innovating, and transforming, to deliver a common future across Africa and beyond


Connecting through public-private partnership underpins our Healthy Heart Africa (HHA) programme, working with government partners and NGOs to help reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by contributing to the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases, 关注高血压.


HHA contributes to a sustainable healthcare system at the primary level by training healthcare providers on hypertension screening, 治疗和管理, supporting implementing facilities with screening equipment and promoting education and awareness activities in the community. 该方案现已扩大到卢旺达和尼日利亚, 自2014年在肯尼亚推出以来,活跃的国家数量达到9个.


A further example of partnership in Africa was our donation of innovative screening equipment to the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)/ The University of Nairobi (UON) and the Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUHN). The equipment will enable recipient institutions to conduct research on the use of non-invasive technology to predict the risk of hypertension and diabetes through eye diseases, 以及诊断这些疾病.

作为可持续市场倡议(SMI)的创始成员, we were formally invited to join HRH The Prince of Wales official SMI business delegation at this year’s 英联邦政府首脑会议(CHOGM) 在卢旺达的基加利.


Bringing together leaders from 54 nations under the theme ‘Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, 创新, 改变的, CHOGM 为政府的利益相关者提供了一个探索途径的机会, 私营部门, non-government organisations (NGOs) and young people to rethink how we deliver sustainable, 大流行后的公平低碳卫生保健.

There is an urgent need across the globe to enhance patient outcomes and population health whilst reducing environmental impacts.

芭芭拉内尔, 澳门葡京网赌游戏非洲集群国家总裁, 就这些话题与贺建奎博士和贺建奎博士进行了讨论. 谭德塞, 世界卫生组织总干事, 在CHOGM, including on our pandemic response and commitment to ensure last mile delivery as part of our equitable access approach.


芭芭拉还主持了一个圆桌会议 SMI卫生系统工作组, a public-private partnership committed to accelerating the delivery of net zero healthcare systems, 由澳门葡京赌博游戏的首席执行官Pascal sooriot所倡导. 该工作队将与新启动的世卫组织领导的工作组合作 气候与健康变革行动联盟 (ATACH) to help deliver recommendations directly to almost 60 countries which have pledged their commitment to the delivery of low carbon, 适应气候变化的卫生系统.

The decarbonisation of healthcare is a critical topic since the healthcare sector is responsible for approximately 4-5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.1 最近,在世界环境日,SMI卫生系统工作组领导人发表了一份 在Devex的联合专栏 关于这个话题, calling on organisations across the healthcare sector to take action to drive impact across the healthcare value chain.


澳门葡京赌博游戏参与CHOGM的另一个亮点是关于妇女平等的对话 & 女孩, which looked at how the pandemic has had a negative effect on the rights of women and girls and how this can be reversed. The discussion underlined the importance of our support for initiatives to promote gender equality and girls’ rights around the world. 澳门葡京赌博游戏认为性别平等和女性代表权, 尤其是在领导力方面, 是健康社会的关键, 澳门葡京赌博游戏很自豪能成为全球的支持者 女孩属于这里 运动, which is breaking down barriers and empowering the girls of today to be the leaders of tomorrow.


At AstraZeneca, we recognise that the health of our planet, people and society are interconnected. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在公司内部采取大胆的措施, 并通过像SMI这样的合作伙伴关系, 减缓气候变化. We’re also integrating community-led and nature-based solutions into the heart of our strategy. 在CHOGM之前,芭芭拉参观了一个社区领导的项目, 加纳AZ森林该公司有一个雄心勃勃的种植目标.到2025年底将有500万棵树. 该项目是澳门葡京赌博游戏全球AZ森林计划的一部分, 它的目标是到2025年在全球种植和维护5000万棵树, 有助于吸收二氧化碳, 同时为社区和当地经济做出积极贡献.

这是CBA自然生活实验室网络的一部分, 人类与地球, the AZ Forest project in Ghana’s Atebubu and Wiase districts integrates traditional knowledge and new research and innovation, 促进生态和社区的复原力. 在参观生活实验室时的讲话, 芭芭拉内尔, 澳门葡京网赌游戏非洲业务在撒哈拉以南非洲的总裁, 说:

“我很高兴能够与社区领导人会面, local farmers and other stakeholders involved in this Living Lab and to see first-hand the positive impact. 澳门葡京赌博游戏可以一起改变世界. 与当地社区合作, 尊重当地的知识和传统, and merging these with the latest technology and multisectoral expertise is helping to restore local livelihoods and build sustainable communities. 澳门葡京网赌游戏很自豪能够为此做出贡献.”


除了澳门葡京赌博游戏通过AZ森林进行的社区投资, we are also committed to equitable access and bringing health services to hard-to-reach communities.

In 与肯尼亚卫生部和Amref Health Africa合作在美国,澳门葡京赌博游戏正在肯尼亚启动一个流动诊所车队.

Pelin Incesu博士, 区域副总裁, 澳门葡京网赌游戏中东和非洲业务负责人表示, “We are thrilled to launch this innovative partnership with the Ministry of Health and Amref Health Africa to ensure that no Kenyan is left behind in our efforts to protect lives from COVID-19 and other life-threatening diseases. This is part of AstraZeneca's ongoing commitment to a patient-centric response to the pandemic.”


1. 无伤害医疗保健和奥雅纳(2019年9月)医疗保健的气候足迹. 气候智慧型医疗保健系列. 绿皮书一号〔网上〕. Available at: >http://www.奥雅纳.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/healthcares-climate-footprint [Last accessed: 22 June 2022]


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